
Your rights if you are in care

Did you know that as a young person you:

  • have the right to have your wishes and feelings heard?
  • have the right to say when you're not happy with something?
  • have the right to be listened to and taken seriously?
  • have the right to have your issue or problem sorted out as soon as possible?

The Children Act 1989 gives you the right to formally complain about things that you are not happy about.

What is a complaint?

This might be something to do with your care plan and the decisions that have been made about where you will stay.

It could be because you feel that you are not having the contact with your family that you think you should be having.

You may feel that your social worker doesn’t see you often enough or doesn’t contact you when you ask them to.

Or it could be something to do with the way you are treated by those people responsible for looking after you.

How to make a complaint

In this video, the council's Complaints Officer explains how to make a complaint.

How can I get in touch with the children’s complaints officer?

Make a complaint


  • Phone: 0151 666 4340
  • Email:

What happens next?

The children’s complaints officer Rob Blackburn will contact you to talk about the problem or concern you have. They might come to see you, you can go to see them or you can talk on the phone.

It’s up to you how you want to talk about things. The complaints officer can help you decide what you want to do and how you want to go about things. You can bring someone with you if you want to, this might be an advocate or a carer.