Learning, skills and employment

The council helps children and young people into employment, education or training. It does this through a service called the Learning, Skills and Employment Service. This is available for children looked after and care leavers aged 16-21 years old.

Help with further education

A personal coach works with young people and their schools. They arrange education mentoring. They also help with careers information and advice.

The personal coach helps young people work towards their education goals. They will help arrange visits and applications to colleges and universities.

Help to get a job or training

Personal coaches can also provide a link between young people and employers. This includes apprenticeship and training providers. They can find opportunities and help with job applications.

The coach works with the Looked After Children Education Service and the Leaving Care team. They work together to help young people find a job they are interested in.

Get Real programme

The Get Real programme is designed to improve the job prospects of care leavers.

The 16-week programme involves sessions to help with skills. This includes things like CV writing, interview techniques and employer expectations. There is also 4 weeks of work experience with a local employer.

The programme aims to get young people into employment, further education or training.

You can find out more from the Learning, Skills and Employment team or from your social worker.

Meet the Learning, Skills and Employment team

Your Learning, Skills, and Employment Team Consists of:

Gareth Jones

Gareth Jones
Learning, Skills, and Employment Manager

Belinda Jones

Belinda Jones
Employment and Skills Personal Coach

Chris Sorensen

Chris Sorensen
Employment and Skills Personal Coach

Jenna Collier

Jenna Collier
Employment and Skills Personal Coach

Liz Hale

Liz Hale
Employment and Skills Personal Coach

Contact us

Email: garethjones@wirral.gov.uk

Telephone: 0151 666 5233

We are based in Our Space, 19 Argyle Street, Birkenhead.